The Meaning and Interpretation of Dreams About Hair Growth

If you’ve ever had a dream about hair growing, you will know it’s a powerful, vivid experience. Hair represents our connection to the outside world, as we’re constantly reminded of when we cut and style it. Hair also symbolizes youth and vitality, since it grows and becomes stronger over time.

What Do Dreams of Hair Growing Mean

Dreaming about hair growing is a very common dream. In fact, it is one of the most common dreams that we have. This is because it touches on one of the most sensitive issues in our lives – our appearance. We all worry about how we look to others and it seems that in our dreams we are free to explore these feelings and thoughts.

hair growth

Dream of Hair Growing Long

When you dream about hair growing long, there is a personal growth in your life coming soon. You may be growing spiritually and seeking truth and wisdom, or you are starting to understand the importance of your relationships with other people in your life. The most common interpretation of this dream is that it indicates that you will have positive spiritual/emotional experiences.

Dreams About Hair Growing in Weird Places

Hair growing in weird places on your body normally has to do with the spirit trying to tell you something. Dreaming about hair growing in weird places can mean that you are worried about something trivial, or it can be a way to tell if your life is on the right track or not, being aware that some changes are good and others are not. 

Dream About Hair Growing in Mouth

If you’re dreaming about hair growing inside your mouth, don’t just take it as a bad dream. It’s actually a sign from the universe that you need to be careful with what you put in your mouth — especially when it comes to those essential vitamins and minerals. Hair is made of the same stuff as fingernails and skin, so it’s never a good thing if your body starts producing hair where it doesn’t belong.

Dream of Growing Facial Hair

This is one of the most common dream scenarios — in which a person grows facial hair, and often feels that it has outgrown their body or infiltrated too far into their life. This is especially present among children, who are learning about their physical maturation as they age. In many cases, there is also a feeling of incompleteness or imbalance with this dream scenario.


Dreaming about hair growing is a very common dream. It is one of the most common dreams that we have, because it touches on one of the most sensitive issues in our lives – our appearance. In a dream, your hair represents your image. Your long and thick locks mean that you are confident about yourself.

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